Residential Composting
A variety of composting resources including articles, podcasts, reports, videos, presentations, and more!
Composting with Kids? Check out these resources:
Do the Rot Thing: Lesson plans, how to compost, data collection sheets, scavenger hunts, and more!
15 Minute Field Trips: Online resources and workshops!
Uncle Jim's Worm Farm: Buy worm bins, live worms, and check out resources for starting your own!
Magic Tree Vermicast in North Kingston, RI: Buy worm bins, live worms, and educational tools to get started. They also offer workshops and clinics on vermicomposting, and can provide consultation for individuals or businesses. Virtual Field Trip
Want to Start Bokashi composting?
Epic Renewal: Bokashi composting is perfect for indoor composting - even in an apartment! Check out Epic Renewal for how to get started!
Commercial Composting
CET's RI Wasted Food Solutions
CET provides free direct assistance to Rhode Island businesses and service providers. Businesses receive help to maximize the financial, environmental and social benefits of wasted food diversion programs, and training for staff to ensure successful program implementation. CET’s assistance will help your operations evaluate opportunities across the EPA Food Recovery Hierarchy, including source reduction, food rescue, and source separation for composting, and more. To learn more or to request assistance, contact CET today at 888-813-8552 or e-mail
Want to Compost On Site?
Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC):
Information and a printable Do-It-Yourself tip sheet about composting food waste onsite. RIRRC also provides no cost technical assistance to Rhode Island businesses and institutions with recycling and composting programs.
Want to Have Your Food Scraps Hauled Away? These Companies Will Take Them!
ZWP Summer Sustainability SerieS
Episode 1: Composting
Additional Composting Resources
Episode 2: Gardening, Zero Waste Shopping, and Zero Waste Cooking
Zero Waste Recipes
Unsustainable Ingredients to Avoid
Additional Resources on Episode 2 Topics

Episode 3: Where Does Your Stuff Go?
Watch the video The Story of Stuff:
Recycling in rhode island

If you can't reduce or reuse, recycling is the third best option. Confused about what can go into your recycling bin?