November 2021 Updates
Composting Group Updates:
Working with 15 Minute Field trips to increase composting in schools & school gardens
Composting in Schools: Increase school composting, school gardening.
We're actively trying to locate schools with interest in this initiative. ZWP's goal is to get 4 schools added
Community Food Waste Collection Sites: Harvest Cycle currently has 3 drop off sites at community gardens with a 4th coming soon. Looking to set up more collection sites. ZWP’s goal is to get 15 sites
November 18th is a Food Waste event and Mayor Elorza will speak! Stop by and hear more! Stay tuned for more details!
RI Restaurant Composting: Planning series of events to encourage restaurants to compost
Plastics Reduction Update:
Working on more outreach, particularly Spanish language information
General Update:
Next Full-Group Meeting will be November 16th at 7pm: