January 2022 Updates
Composting Updates:
Composting in Schools - Finalizing the presentation materials to share with schools! 15MinuteFieldTrips received 2 grants to help promote composting (Congrats!)
Restaurants - working on series with CET and Clean Ocean Access on upcoming Composting Workshop at 9:30am on Feb 22nd
Drop-off Sites - Mount Pleasant collection site is now open and accepting food scraps!
General Update: Potluck rescheduled to March (hopefully!) & this Spring stay tuned for date to visit the Materials Recycling Facility in Johnston, RI
Next Full-Group Meeting will be January 25th at 7pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88661623423?pwd=WFViWUQ1U3pLcFArUlVNSWt4bmJJQT09