Composting Updates:
Composting in Schools - Finished filming for community garden club; Composting song debut!
Collection Sites - Wanskuck Library and a private residence agreed to be drop-off sites! Now up to 11 sites! Outreach Committee would love help promoting these! Let us know if you’re interested in helping out. Cost to use a drop-off site is $10/month
Restaurants Composting - Serving Sustainability with Zero Waste Providence was a success! Thanks to those who helped promote the event and those who were able to attend!
If you know restaurants interested in composting, have them connect with ZWP so we can connect restaurants with compost haulers!
Legislative Updates:
Providence on Plastic Bag Reduction Act (Ordinance 19622) and enforcement status
PVD311 App to send updates about businesses that are not abiding
Interest in investigating reusable containers in restaurants and expanding programs like this in RI
General Update:
Field Trip to visit the MRF in Johnston, RI is booked! 9:30am on April 23, 2022. Please contact us if you’re interested in attending!
April 2nd tabling event at Roger Williams to hand out reusable bags. Let us know if you’re available to help volunteer!
Next Full-Group Meeting will be March 8th at 7pm: