Compost Group Committee updates:
Drop-off Hubs, building up number of locations, and learning about logistics to help PVD develop a hub(s); Idea to have public drop-off sites available to the public - working on various ideas e.g. connecting with the parks, community gardens. ZWP Goal = 3 additional drop-off sites by the end of the summer
ACTION ITEMS: Have convo with parks person
Outreach/Communications Committee updates:
Plans in motion for 3-Part Summer Sustainability Series in June, July & August that is kid-friendly & working to get the word out there
ACTION ITEMS: Post on social media & website; ZWP Full-Group please help us get the word out there; any content ideas to help us put this together e.g Compost How-To info
Legislative Committee
Government is not focused on environmental bills right now. Goal is to get Bag Bill past at least
Trying to unite restaurants to buy non-styrofoam takeout containers and save/group-buy option to cut costs, particularly during pandemic where takeout is at an all time high
Continuing Discussions: Environmental & Racial Justice
Lifecycle of material - raw form to product - companies not taking responsibility for where waste ends up
Who is taking responsibility; who has to take the burden (environmental, health) - low SES and people of color often have to inadvertently take on this burden
ZWP addresses this disparity
Childhood Lead Action Project and addressing disproportionate environmental lead exposure among people of color and people of lower SES
Highway control and reducing emissions and emission hazards
Addressing toxins within food stream, garbage truck routes
Political influence on all of these
Getting at the root of the problem of waste
Teaming up with existing groups working toward and promoting environmental and racial justice
Supporting job training programs in sustainable jobs
Neighborhood beautification and working with the city on green space/empty lot rehabilitation